Sunday, August 09, 2009

Let us look into a pattern which will help us learn how to decorate our classes at runtime using a form of object composition. Yes, we will talk about Decorator Pattern today. It is influenced by the design principle which says "Classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification." That is, by applying this pattern our classes need not be modified for extension. Let us now jump into a real time example.

Let us say we got an offer to develop an object oriented system for a fastfood chain. The system has to calculate the price for each order that is placed at the counter. This system will be installed on the macros placed at the counter.
This may sound simple, but the issue is there are N number of combination for an order. For analyzing this requirement further let us track few of the orders to understand the combination.

Order No. 1: One Turkey Breast + without cheese + with dark chocolate toppings.
Order No. 2: One Oven Roasted Chicken Breast + with extra cheese + dark chocolate topping.
Order No. 3: One Black Forest Ham + with extra cheese + fruit cream topping.

If we see orders above, you would see that each order is different and each person could choose any one ham and any combination of toppings out of given list of toppings. The good thing is that we have a list of hams and a list of toppings.

Now can you think of an object oriented design to solve this?

Well, let us try solving this with our conventional inheritance patterns.

Solution 1: We could create one abstarct class named Burger with an abstract method named Price() and specific classes dedicated to various combination of orders possible. Each such order implementing its Price() method to calculate the price for the order. But, as you might have already realized it is not a clean solution. It has too many disadvantages like it leads to class explosion, next, each time a new ham or topping is added to the menu it leads to changing the combinations, which leads to rewriting code and biggest disadvantage is that when ever a price change for any one items, all methods will have to undergo modifications. Well, in all a bad design.

Solution 2: We continue to have this abstract class Burger with properties to identify toppings like extra cheese, chocolate topping etc. That is, attribute could be bIsCheese, bIsChocolate. And setter methods to set properties to identify the toppings. The Price method now is no more abstract. The Price method of Burger class calculates price based on properties set. And the concrete classes like TurkeyBreast or OvenRoastedChickenBreast overrides the Price() method of parent class (Burger). The Price() method calls parent Price to get the Price for toppings and then adds its specific Price for the Ham.
Again not a clean solution.
OK, now we are sure that such solutions, using inheritance is not a feasible solution. Let us try now applying object combination.

Solution 3: Applying Decorator Pattern:

Let us apply decorator pattern which allow building order with combination of various items at run time. Let us see what is decorator pattern first.
The Decorator Pattern attaches additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to sub classing for extending functionality.

Now let us apply this to our problem. To do this we will define an interface named Burger. This will be implemented by TurkeyBreastHam, OvenRoastedChickenBreastHam and BlackForestHam. The Price() method of each of these classes will return the Price of its own. This interface Burger, is also implemented by abstract class, which will be responsible for applying decoration to our class. This class is named ToppingsDecorator. It has an abstract method named Price(). The reason behind its implementing the interface Burger is to apply same type as that of the objects to be decorated. The decorator should of same type as that of the object being decorated.

Now each of out Toppings viz., DarkChocolate, Cheese and FruitCream will inherit the abstract class ToppingsDecorator. It has an reference to Burger as an attribute, which gets initialized by its constructor.

Let us see the class diagram:

The Price() method will have following definition:

return 0.30 + objBurger.Price();

i.e., it returns the addition of its own price and add Price of the Burger it decorates.

The complete class definition for some of the classes are as follows:

public class TurkeyBreastHam implements Burger
public double Price()
return 0.99;

public abstract class ToppingsDecorator implements Burger
public abstract double Price();

public class DarkChocolate extends ToppingsDecorator
Burger objBurger;

public DarkChocolate(Burger objBurg)
objBurger = objBurg;

public double Price()
return 0.30 + objBurger.Price();

Let us see one of the implementation to understand it better

public class FastFoodSystems
public static void main(String args[])
Burger objBurger = new TurkeyBreastHam(); //order a TurkeyBreastHam
objBurger = new Cheese(objBurger); // on this order a Cheese toppings
objBurger = new DarkChocolate(objBurger); /// and then a DarkChocolate Topping
System.out.println("The Total Price for the order is " + objBurger.Price()); //the price of order TurkeyBreastHam + Cheese + Dark Chocolate

So, this is our solution. It is clean and a scalable solution. We need not modify the class to add new items in menu, we simply add new classes.

That's all for the day. Do let me know what you feel about it.

Bye for now....

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Sunday, August 02, 2009

Today I will talk about a simple pattern called Strategy Pattern. Strategy Pattern is influenced by the design principle "The aspects of your application which vary should be separated from the aspects which does not vary".
Suppose you are designing a Gaming Application where you have many characters viz., King, Queen, Knight and Troll. Each character can make use of one weapon at a time, but can change weapons at any time during the game.

If you analyze the application, the obvious design solution would be to have a class named Character, where fight() would be a method. But since each character has a different style of fighting, we will have to make separate classes for each character, implementing the fight method on their own. The class we identified named character, will have to be declared as an abstract with fight method declared abstract. So, now all the character classes identified will inherit this abstract class, Character.
Now let us focus on our next requirement. The next requirement is that each character can make us of one weapon at a time. So we can think of identifying the weapon for each character and make one weapon an attribute of each character class. The possible weapons could be Knife, Bows & Arrow, Axe and Sword. Now let us fix one weapon for each of these classes and let their fight() method use 'em. OK, looks fine.
Opps!...but we missed one of the important requirement, which is..."the characters can change their weapon at any time during the game". Oh!...that's bad.... Well now things looks difficult. Let us analyze it again. OK, we read earlier in this article that one of the design principle states that we should separate the aspect of our application which changes. Let us try using this concept. Here we see that the weapons are changing all through out..but rest of the aspect stays on... so we will now prepare a separate set of classes for weapons and then link these weapon classes with our character class with a "Has-a" relation. Well, to do this let us follow one more design principle which states that "never program to an implementation..program application to an interface".
So we set an interface named Weapon, which declares a method named UseWeapon(). All weapon classes implements this interface viz., Knife, Bows & Arrow, Axe and Sword. Now we link this interface to our character abstract class to draw a "Has-a" relation. This will give our Character class enormous capability to dynamically change weapons.
Now our character class has an attribute defined of type Weapon, which can be at run time set to any of the weapon classes. We also implement a method named SetWeapon() in our abstract class. Now our classes looks like this..

So now all our concrete classes can use this.objWeapon in fight method and allow the weapon to be changed at run time.

Let us see one of the possible implementation

Character objCharacter = new King();
Weapon objKnife = new Knife();
Weapon objSword = new Sword();
objCharacter.fight(); //fighting with Knife now
objcharacter.fight(); //now fighting with a sword

This is how we implement Strategy Pattern. Let us now see the formal definition of this pattern. The Strategy Pattern defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. Strategy lets the algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.

Now you are armed with yet another pattern. That's all for the day...please do let me know, what you think about this pattern.....Looking forward to your comments......Bye for now...

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