Monday, January 22, 2007
Use of bitwise operator in PHP
I though this time I should talk some thing about Bitwise
operator. Though bitwise operator is such a powerful tool,
we hardly use or talk about it.
The bitwise operator can be used for many reasons for
example remembering the bits that was set using a set of
options in a form.
Following are few bitwise methods in PHP that might help
others in working with bitwise operators:
//used to initialize
function init_bit( &$bitfield )
$bitfield = ($bitfield | 0);
/* Return true or false, depending on if the bit is set */
function query_bit( $bitfield, $bit )
return ( $bitfield & $bit );
/* Force a specific bit(pattern) to ON */
function set_bit( &$bitfield, $bit )
$bitfield |= $bit;
/* Force a specific bit(pattern) to be OFF */
function remove_bit( &$bitfield, $bit )
$bitfield &= ~$bit;
/* Toggle a bit(pattern), so bits that are on are turned
off, and bits that are off are turned on. */
function toggle_bit( &$bitfield, $bit )
$bitfield ^= $bit;
Bitwise Operators can be very helpful in certain tasks
like, processing too many options set by the users in a
form or managing permission levels etc.
The general operations possible are:
1. AND &
2. OR |
3. XOR ^
4. NOT ~
5. ShiftLeft <<
6. ShiftRight >>
The "And" operator takes two values and returns a decimal
version of the binary values the left and right variable
So for example if we have 2 and 10, we would have following
Binary Equivalent of 2 : 0010
Binary Equivalent of 10: 1010
So now if we do 2 & 10
we will have 0010 ie 2. So, the And operator returns the
bits that are set (i.e. set to “on”) in both parameters.
The "OR" operator would find the bits which are set in
either of the two parameters. So proceeding with the
previous example we would have the following
2 | 10
so we will have 1010 ie 10. So, the "OR" operator will
return the bits that are set (to “on”) in one or more
These are those operator which would return those bits
which are set in either of both the parameters but
excluding those which are common to both.
Proceeding with the example above, if we do
2 ^ 10
we will have 1000 so it yields 8.
This operator would return those bits which are set in
first attribute but not set in the second attribute.
So if we have
2 & ~10
we will have 0.
and ~2 & 10
will return 8
This would make the bits shift on left specified by the
number of digits.
For example
2 << 2
would make
so the out put would be 8. It is equivalent to multiplying
2 by 2 twice.
So we can conclude that
expr >> n = expr x 2**n.
This would make the bits shift on right specified by the
number of digits.
So 2 >> 2
would make
expr1 / 2**n.
so we have
2/2 **2 = 0
so the output would be 0
Hope you find it helpful. Do let me know, what you think
about it.
I though this time I should talk some thing about Bitwise
operator. Though bitwise operator is such a powerful tool,
we hardly use or talk about it.
The bitwise operator can be used for many reasons for
example remembering the bits that was set using a set of
options in a form.
Following are few bitwise methods in PHP that might help
others in working with bitwise operators:
//used to initialize
function init_bit( &$bitfield )
$bitfield = ($bitfield | 0);
/* Return true or false, depending on if the bit is set */
function query_bit( $bitfield, $bit )
return ( $bitfield & $bit );
/* Force a specific bit(pattern) to ON */
function set_bit( &$bitfield, $bit )
$bitfield |= $bit;
/* Force a specific bit(pattern) to be OFF */
function remove_bit( &$bitfield, $bit )
$bitfield &= ~$bit;
/* Toggle a bit(pattern), so bits that are on are turned
off, and bits that are off are turned on. */
function toggle_bit( &$bitfield, $bit )
$bitfield ^= $bit;
Bitwise Operators can be very helpful in certain tasks
like, processing too many options set by the users in a
form or managing permission levels etc.
The general operations possible are:
1. AND &
2. OR |
3. XOR ^
4. NOT ~
5. ShiftLeft <<
6. ShiftRight >>
The "And" operator takes two values and returns a decimal
version of the binary values the left and right variable
So for example if we have 2 and 10, we would have following
Binary Equivalent of 2 : 0010
Binary Equivalent of 10: 1010
So now if we do 2 & 10
we will have 0010 ie 2. So, the And operator returns the
bits that are set (i.e. set to “on”) in both parameters.
The "OR" operator would find the bits which are set in
either of the two parameters. So proceeding with the
previous example we would have the following
2 | 10
so we will have 1010 ie 10. So, the "OR" operator will
return the bits that are set (to “on”) in one or more
These are those operator which would return those bits
which are set in either of both the parameters but
excluding those which are common to both.
Proceeding with the example above, if we do
2 ^ 10
we will have 1000 so it yields 8.
This operator would return those bits which are set in
first attribute but not set in the second attribute.
So if we have
2 & ~10
we will have 0.
and ~2 & 10
will return 8
This would make the bits shift on left specified by the
number of digits.
For example
2 << 2
would make
so the out put would be 8. It is equivalent to multiplying
2 by 2 twice.
So we can conclude that
expr >> n = expr x 2**n.
This would make the bits shift on right specified by the
number of digits.
So 2 >> 2
would make
expr1 / 2**n.
so we have
2/2 **2 = 0
so the output would be 0
Hope you find it helpful. Do let me know, what you think
about it.